Containerizing the Pantry

I’ve shared before about my love/hate relationship with my pantry. I LOVE the size. I LOVE the shelves we had installed. I LOVE my new floor. I LOVE the labeled bins. But, oh, how I hate cleaning it out every week or two. It’s a beautiful space and I feel so lucky to have a walk-in pantry.

There is one spot in my pantry that is constantly a dumping ground. It’s supposed to be the shelf for lunch making supplies. Since it’s the first shelf you come to it seems to be a gathering place for extra popcorn, weird veggies for the juicer, and baggies full of half eaten snack.

Containerizing the rest of the pantry seemed to work, so I containerized the dumping ground too. Unfortunately, my label maker seems to be missing again. When I find it, I’ll add labels. (Last time it went missing it was in my daughter’s play house.)

Here are a few linky parties I like to participate in:

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The Comments

  • sewingseeds4U
    June 16, 2010

    Becca, I love your pantry. Where did you get the white baskets. I don't have a true pantry and my cabinets are not very deep and they seem to be a good size. You have inspired me to organize what I space I do have. btw, I love your new dining room runner and flowers.

  • raggygirlvintage
    June 16, 2010

    When are you coming over Becca? We have a mystery pantry mischief maker in our house, I'll straighten it all up and wouldn't you know, a week later mischief maker has been back at work!
    You inspire me to keep at it!

  • Van
    June 16, 2010

    So gorgeous and organized! The beauty of it all! Indeed, feel grateful to have a huge walk-in pantry. My "pantry" is the hallway closet, which is also stuffed with too many craft supplies…need to work on that!

    Thanks for inspiring, I'm in the midst of a massive decluttering spree and need all the visual inspiration I can get.

  • GrannySue
    June 16, 2010

    I am also blessed with a pantry – not nearly as big as yours, but I love what you have done with the containers. I have the "i hate to clean it" itis also! I often wonder, is it a blessing or a curse to have so much room. An inspiring post, so I guess I better get to work.

  • Leanne
    June 16, 2010

    Perfect as always Becca. I love your pantry. Mine is about 1/4 of your size, but it's easy to keep in order because it's so small. I love all your use of baskets and containers. Don't forget to link up to We're Organized Wednesday next week. Have a good one.

  • Bonnie@Creative Decorating
    June 16, 2010

    Okay, I just stumbled across your blog and you are a woman after my own heart!! I love organization however, I'm not as dedicated to it as you seem to be!!! Love your pantry and understand totally about the "dumping" area! My problem is I will suffer with it for months instead of just fixing it right away and save my sanity. The more you let go, the more you have to deal with later! Hopefully with your blog now on my blog roll, it will help motivate me further!!

  • Diane at Perfectly Imperfect Life
    June 17, 2010

    I'm so envious of your pantry! The house I grew up in had the "big pantry" (a gigantic walk in next to the kitchen) and the "little pantry" (a closet in the kitchen), so it's a bit of a come down to my little closet. What do I do with all my stuff!?

  • Angie
    June 17, 2010

    Wow – what a fabulous pantry! I'm jealous!

  • Fern Valley Farm
    June 17, 2010

    I'm so jealous! You have my dream pantry! Great job organizing it.

  • Room to Inspire
    June 17, 2010

    I just LOVE your pantry – the organization is inspiring for sure! Thanks so much for linking up to Be Inspired!


  • Ruthie's Renewed Treasures
    June 18, 2010

    Girl, I love it! If this were my pantry, I would be doing the happy dance in my pj's every morning INSIDE this fabulous pantry! It rocks!!!!!

  • Megan @ Megity's Handmade
    June 18, 2010

    Swoon. There's a bit of jealousy going on here. I have no pantry. In fact, I think your pantry is bigger than my whole kitchen!

  • Lanie Ree
    June 18, 2010

    Wow, this is so organized and awesome. Nice job!

    Thank you for participating in the Creative Therapy Session at Life in the Pitts

  • Becky Jean
    June 19, 2010

    Hey Megan I feel your pain…I know that pantry is bigger than my whole kitchen. My pantry is a metal cabinet in the garage… Great Job, I love the soup "stadium seating" great invention!

  • Diann
    June 21, 2010

    Hi Megan!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today and visiting! And for inviting me over for your friday party! Now I get to come over hear and check out what is going on. I know this isn't your most recent post, here is the part that may make you wish I never came over, but so LOVE this pantry. I mean to the point of I would want to take my laptop and do my blogging sitting right there in the middle of it! LOL I have some very weird obsession with tidy organized and well stocked pantries. It;s a sickness I tell ya!

    I had my husband make me a rotating shelving unit for canned goods. I love it. Here is the post. this of course was a picture before it got all prettified and painted.

  • Leanne
    June 24, 2010

    Hi Becca! Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.

  • Elizabeth
    June 24, 2010

    LOVE your pantry. And that's all I have to say. lol 🙂

  • senovia
    October 30, 2010

    I am SO in love with your pantry! Even if it was messy, it would be gorgeous!

  • Rene
    October 31, 2010

    I love your pantry!
