Farm Girl Vintage Quilt

I’ve decided I just need more hours in the day.  I know everyone probably feels like that, but I need time to spend on my hobbies.  Crafty projects make me feel like a whole person, plus when I finish a project I get to add the cuteness to my house and the Farm Girl Vintage Quilt has the perfect level of cuteness.

I find myself struggling to pick just one look that I love. There are so many designers that I love. I love the look of Lori Holt’s quilts, but I wouldn’t say that I could do my whole house in that look. I’ve always loved Camille Roskelly’s fabrics, but she uses a lot more blue, navy, and aqua than I do. I also love the muted colors that Joanna Figueroa uses in her fabrics, but there’s no way I could exclude my other favorites and just use these colors. I’d say that the closest I’ve come to finding a designer that is truly “me” is French General. Reds and tans are my fabric love language. I make a lot of quilts with those fabrics, but I regularly intersperse with my other favorite designers. I’m always a little excited when I’m making a quilt as a gift because it’s so much fun to shop for fabrics that are not my norm.

I found the Farm Girl Vintage book on Instagram, after I saw the adorable Baking Day block.  I fell in love and HAD to have the pattern.  This was the first block I completed in this awesome sampler.

Baking Day Block

The Canning Season block was just too cute to pass up.  I finished this one second.

Canning Season Block

The blocks were very simple to make.  I wouldn’t call it a beginning quilt, but it’s a good project for an intermediate quilter.

There are so many blocks to choose from.  The barn block is another favorite and it’s been on my “to do” list for quite a long time. A word of caution… when you are looking for a block, double and triple check which size you are making and be sure it fits with your quilt. I made a couple of errors that could have easily been prevented if I had just checked my measurements before starting to cut my pieces. Let’s just say that the book is correct. This happens to be a user error. Ugh.

I’ve been using a variety of vintage-ish fabrics and I finally ordered some Bee Lori fabrics too. I’m so excited to use those. I think it’s time to start cutting into the vintage fabrics and get sewing on this project again! (I currently have 3 baby quilts and a lap size quilt in the works that are all gifts which need to be finished!) Like I said, I need more hours in the day.

I’m promising myself some quality time with my sewing machine this coming weekend! Lately, I’ve been piecing more than I’ve been embroidering. I’m hoping to get my gifts finished up soon so I can keep going with my Farm Girl Vintage.

Happy sewing!

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