Farmhouse At Heart

You guys, I recently fell in love with a magazine. It’s called The Farmhouse Movement. I stumbled across it online and I felt like it was written for people just like me. I don’t live in a farmhouse and I don’t live on a farm. I don’t have a barn or chickens, but I love everything about farmhouse life and I’m trying to implement many aspects of the farmhouse life into my own little suburban world.


I’m going to share a few things this magazine says on the very first page of every issue:

*We believe there is a movement happening in our generation.

*We believe it is the epitome of days gone by.

*We believe that this back-to-our-roots movement embodies families moving toward sustainable options.

*Whether we live in a big city or a wide-open prairie, we are embracing natural products, mindfully made things, and the renaissance of lost arts and skills.

*We believe that our culture is coming full circle.

*We desire a more authentic lifestyle, similar to those lived out in the households of quieter times – where family values prevailed; ingredients were simple; mason jars, quilts, and shiplap were commonplace; neighbors were friends; and time well spent trumped task lists.

Friends, this is me. I swear they were inside my head when they wrote this. Do you believe these things too?

I subscribed to the magazine as fast as I could and even bought a few back issues. Picture a kid waiting by the mail box when grandma says she sent you a card with birthday money inside. That was me. I was checking the mail all the time. I could hardly wait to get my magazines. When they arrived, I poured through them and they did not disappoint. I saved every single one in a cute little wooden box in my family room. I usually don’t save magazines, but these felt more like books. Then, I got the letter in the mail. The letter that said, “Sorry, we will no longer be producing The Farmhouse Movement magazine.” Nooooooo!!!!!! I had just found my people and it was already over! They do have a website and the letter said that new things were in the works. I will anxiously await their next bit of work.

Then I ran across a new magazine. Farmhouse At Heart has many of the same ideas as the Farmhouse Movement. It talks about the sweet joys of homesteading, back-to-basics gardening, cooking, and crafting. All of these things are right up my alley. It’s part of a bigger company of magazines, which is ok. I really liked The Farmhouse Movement, knowing I was supporting a small business.


So, I picked up Farmhouse At Heart and I was thoroughly pleased. It’s one of those magazines that comes out once in a while, but you can’t subscribe to it. That makes it much harder to get my hands on, but I’ll do my best.

To be honest, the farmhouse dream for me includes an actual farmhouse, room for animals (chickens, dogs, and bunnies), and enough space to have a large garden. My current garden is quite small and its sunlight is blocked by the neighbor’s large trees. Herbs and lettuce are my best bets in my garden space right now.

I think, with our current state of affairs (#pandemic2020), people are finding that they really are capable of doing things the good-old-fashioned way. Flour has been sold out for months at the grocery store. I haven’t been able to find yeast at all and finally had to do a bulk order and split it with a few neighbors. That tells me that people are baking again. Garden centers are still open because they sell vegetable starts and they are considered essential. They have lines wrapped around buildings to get inside. The local butcher is not taking large orders. They are limiting the amount of meat each customer is allowed to buy because they are selling out. Families are learning how to make their own cleaning products because the cleaning aisle at the grocery store is empty. We are sort of being forced to ask our grandparents how to do things (or just google it). Honestly, living through this pandemic is tough, but it makes me so happy to see families spending time together, bread being baked, and seeds being planted. We are getting back to the basics and I’m ok with that.











Happy homemaking!


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The Comments

  • Judith Connolly
    June 10, 2020

    I too found the Farmhouse at Heart magazine, disappointed that it is not a regular subscription.
    It is such a beautifuk magazine with great ideas, we have recently acquired a country property so this has a lotmof meaning for me.

  • Diane Delaney
    June 19, 2020

    Greetings, Becca. I could really relate to your post. Your comments were very comforting and sounded like conversations I have had with my own friends and family! Even though I am of an older generation, I was also smitten with The Farmhouse Movement magazine and read it cover to cover. Sadly, I did not realize that the magazine is no longer in publication. I also stumbled on Farmhouse at Heart … and like it even better! In fact, I wrote to them and asked if they would consider turning it into a subscription publication. I bought a copy for my daughter and sister … and they love it, too. I am glad I found your site and will visit it regularly now.

  • Sandra
    July 12, 2020

    Just came across your post while searching to see whether I could subscribe to Farmhouse at Heart. Like you I was sooo disappointed when they stopped publishing Farmhouse Movement. I was completely in love and it was like a bad break up! Haha my grandparents ran a farm so I spent many happy summers and weekends growing up…i would have to say it’s in my blood. I’ve not had the fortune of going down that road myself but like you lean in that direction as much as possible. Mostly in my garden haven’t taken to the baking side…maybe seeing my grandma spend what seemed like the entire day in the kitchen , covered in flour, baking us kids bread only to watch us gobble it down so quickly haha but it was beyond delicious! My mouth waters thinking about it now. And so many other beautiful farm memories
    Enjoyed your blog thanks!