Hi Friends!
We just got back from a week long vacation on the Oregon coast. We spent most of our time in Seaside. My mother-in-law rents a house there every year and we head down the coast with my MIL and hubby’s sister and her family. It’s always one of the best weeks of the summer.
I just uploaded the 651 pictures I took on vacation. I won’t make you look at all of them, but here’s a collage of a few pieces.
Of course my favorite pictures include my kids. I’ll be making a Shutterfly book out of those soon!
The Comments
It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Those are beautiful pictures. Yay, I'm first! I've never been first at a party. Have a great weekend!
Pumpkin Tart
Your Collage is so cute! I bet it was beautiful in Oregon this time of year (or any other time of year really)!
I hope you had a wonderful trip! I have never been to Oregon! We are going on vacation this Sunday to Charleston, SC and I can not wait for the quiet time with my family before school starts! I have enjoyed your tips about photography…I am new to all of this…blogging since May and photography, just learning some things…lighting, etc. It is amazing how much better a photo can be with better light and planning! I am asking for a new camera for my birthday! My coolpix L100 does pretty good, but I want a mac daddy with all the lense attachements! 🙂 My 'Goodbye Summer' is a walk down memory lane from this summer! I don't usually post my family photos, but thought this was a fun farewell to summer! I have a separate 'family' blog…just all the things we are learning in the adventure of raising children! Good luck with your second blog! Thanks for hosting! three pixie lane
I love lighthouses! Your pictures are great. Thanks for the link party, I added a fun Frisbee Golf Game I play with my kiddos! 🙂
Looks like you had a great vacation! I love the collage too!
Thanks for hosting!
Rebekah Greiman
I don't know why, but I can't get my link to post to the link party. If you can do it, that would be great!
Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden
The photos from your vacation are lovely. The Oregon coast is beautiful.
Thanks for hosting!
Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality
Hi, Becca, thanks for stopping by! Oh, your vacation looks lovely & all those pics are beautiful. You're doing a great job. Isn't it fun to learn new things. Maybe we'll be experts at the end of this class. 😉