What do you make for a healthy after school snack for 10 girls? When apples are in season, that’s an easy question.
The Honeycrip apples are TO DIE FOR right now. I chopped up as many apples as I could fit in my biggest pot. I had a few Granny Smith apples, so I added those in too. Once the pot was filled to the brim, I added water. I usually add enough water so that it fills about half of the pot. I really hate it when the apples scorch and stick to the bottom, so I always make sure I have plenty of water.

I added about a quarter cup of sugar and a tablespoon, or so, of cinnamon. I put the lid on and simmered the apples for about a half hour. By the time the girls came home from school, the apples were soft and ready to be made into applesauce. I always use a food mill to make my applesauce. My grandma and mom always did it that way, so I do too. We put the cooked apples into the food mill and the girls took turns smooshing the applesauce out.
The Comments
I never knew what a food mill was until a few years ago. In our house growing up, we knew it as the "guppie catcher". lol We used it in the canel by our house. 🙂 Now when I make applesauce, I use a Victorio Food Mill which is so much nicer, well at least if you're doing a whole bunch. You don't have to peel, core, or anything, so nice.
Kimberly @ The Brown Eyes Have It