I’m Late!!! Home and Family Friday

Oh my!  I have a confession to make, friends.  I forgot about you.  That really doesn’t make me a good friend.  I hope you’ll forgive me. (Now McLinky is not working and I can’t host a party without it!!!) I’ve been a little busy.  I have end-of-the-year-teacher-brain.  It’s a disorder all teachers suffer from at the end of the school year.  In addition to writing report cards, packing up my classroom, continuing to teach kids, and keep my own home and family life together, we’ve had a couple of adventures.

Yesterday, we took 75 kindergarteners to the beach.  We had a blast!  It was a dry day, beautiful blue sky, and happy kids.  Happy kids + lots of chaperones = happy teachers.

We are very lucky to have some diver/friends who come out to the beach and bring up marine life for us to see.  It is such an amazing experience.

Can’t you just hear the screaming kindergarteners when they saw this guy?

We went to Alki Beach, which is right across the water from Downtown Seattle.  The day started off gray, but the sun broke through by lunch.
One of the divers brought up a bottle.  If you look closely, you can see the baby octopus inside the bottle.  How cool is that!!!

There’s that sunshine!  This seagull was waiting for our lunch scraps, but posed nicely with the Space Needle off in the background.

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They brought up several HUGE sea cucumbers for us to feel.  They are the most amazing animal!

Of course, there were lots of different sizes and shapes of seastars.
The tide was pretty low, so we found lots of hermit crabs on the beach.

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Then it was off to my son’s end of the year party today.  It was a walking field trip to a local park. The kids had a great time with a scavenger hunt and playing on the playground.

Of course, there were also ice cream sundaes.
Kids love a build your own sundae bar!
I was in charge of helping with the tie dye station.
The end of the school year is near!  Then I’ll pass Go and Collect my brain back.  Hopefully.
Sorry there won’t be a party this week!  Hopefully I will be able to figure out what is going on with McLinky and we’ll be partying like normal next Friday!
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