Home Is Where My Story Begins


Inspiration strikes in the strangest places. While we were driving from Newport to Seaside last week, we stopped at a lighthouse for a tour. The tour guides were fantastic, sharing so much of their knowledge of this beautiful structure from the 1800’s.


Living in the Pacific Northwest, we don’t see the sunshine too often. The lighthouse was blanketed in fog, as you can see. Looking around and seeing gray every day can be depressing. Every day… gray. I think that’s why I painted the interior of my house with warm, rich colors. It’s my way of bringing sunshine into my world. I see beautiful homes in Blogland decorated with grays and blues or in all white and I just couldn’t imagine those colors in our area. Then I saw the interior of this lighthouse. Now I think I get it.


The crisp white walls against the original iron work of the black staircase was stunning. Add in stainless steel of the old oil drums and I think I’m in love. All I could think was how inspiring this color palet was. Even the heavy gray blanket of fog could not darken the interior of this light house.



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The Comments

  • Samantha2818
    August 11, 2010

    I absolutely love the photo of the lighthouse in the fog. Beautiful!
    We live in Wales so get lots of rain too (as far as Europe goes Wales gets all the rain jokes just like Seattle does in the USA!). I don't actually mind the rain and prefer to be on the beach during bad weather cos I find it so much more atmospheric. However, with the kids off school I agree – it would be nice to have just a few days of sunshine! Apparently we had our good weather in June (I missed it though as I was on holiday!).

  • Allison
    August 11, 2010

    Very pretty! Love that top shot!

    PS. I gave you an award. 🙂

  • Janice
    August 11, 2010

    Hi Becca! I am taking Angie's class too, so I thought I would stop by and say hi! You are really talented… I look forward to following your blog! And that last picture looks just like the house my great-grandparents used to live in. I had to take a double take when I first saw it. It's not the same house, but it does bring back wonderful memories. Nice to "meet" you!
    P.S. I'm a teacher too. We start back tomorrow!