It’s a Warm Cookies and Cocoa Kind of Day

I had high hopes this morning.  The weatherman said, “Afternoon sun.”  He even suggested our temperature might get into the… 70’s!  I broke out the shorts, tank tops, and flip flops!  Woo hoo!  Let the summer weather begin!
Well, friends, it’s 12:30pm and we’re still in the 50’s.  And there’s drizzle.  Clouds.  All clouds.  I realize that much of the country is in the midst of a heat wave and people don’t feel sorry for those of us in the Pacific Northwest.  BUT WE ARE FREEZING OUT HERE AND DYING FOR SOME SUMMER WEATHER.
Ok, I’m done complaining.  When it’s feeling like fall, you might as well embrace it.  It’s a warm cookies and cocoa kind of day.

 If you are in the market for the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe EVER, here’s the recipe:
1 Cup Crisco shortening (original, not butter flavor)
3/4 Cup brown sugar
3/4 Cup white sugar

Mix until soft and fluffy.

1 Egg

1 and 1/2 tsp vanilla
Mix just until blended.

Dry ingredients:
2 and 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 and 1/2 tsp salt

Mix it up and add a bag of M&M’s or chocolate chips.

Bake for 10 minutes (or less) on 350 degrees. My oven is a standard oven, not convection, and this is what I do.  This recipe is my own little creation.  It started out as the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip bag.  Over the years, I’ve added and changed a few things.  It’s close to the bag, but not exactly the same.

Happy baking!
Stay warm, Pacific Northwest friends!

Here are a few linky parties I like to participate in.

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The Comments

  • hannah
    July 19, 2011

    What is it with this weather?? Seriously. Eat a cookie or two for me. We're having hot chocolate over here!

  • Susan
    July 19, 2011

    I am laughing very hard! We have had around 20 straight days of 100 plus temps here in Texas! Trade ya!

  • Jill
    July 20, 2011

    I am so ready to be done with the rain too! I'm not sure where today's sunshine forecast went but I'm really wishing I could have seen it. Your cookies look amazing. I prefer crisco over butter in chocolate chip cookies any day. Now if only I had some in the cupboard and could make a batch…

  • Ann from On Sutton Place
    July 20, 2011

    You are too funny…it hit 100 where I am today. I just found your lovely blog on Savvy SS's blog roll and am a new follower. I love baking cookies on a cool day…enjoy!

  • Becca
    July 20, 2011

    Ok, when you read this post, do the pictures actually show up?


  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2011

    Becca, Wanna trade places? We are in the midwest and had to wait until 8:30 pm to mow the yard. Finished when it was dark and could barely see but it's still 88 degree heat index.

    I think I could deal with 50's and hot chocolate, a good book and a blanket. Especially after getting my electric bill.

    And only half the pics show up. But the chocolate chips look really really good!

  • Inside Heather's Home
    July 20, 2011

    I agree! It was definitely a day for warm cookies and Cocoa…and it's JULY! Yikes! Thanks for sharing — I always do enjoy your posts 🙂

  • Ashley
    July 20, 2011

    thanks for the recipe;) like always it looks amazing!!!

  • Sarah
    July 21, 2011

    Made Becca's cookies last night..yum-o!