What would you do? You’re driving down the road, in an SUV, with no kids in the car. Sitting along the side of the road, you see this bookshelf.
As you get a little closer, you see the sign. Yep, it says FREE.

Well, duh! You pull over, fold down the seats, and muscle the large bookshelf into the back, letting out a happy little sigh as you hop back into the driver’s seat.
We’re ready for Home and Family Friday. Link up all of those great projects you’ve been working on this week. I’d love it if you’d grab my button and become a follower.
The Comments
You find the best deals! What a great looking shelf!!
What a great find! What luck that you were in an SUV without any kids in the car…unbelievable. 🙂 Thanks for hosting the party!
What a GREAT find! Makes me long for garage sale season and warmer weather when more people put stuff on the curb. 🙂
Great find! We live in a rural area…no one does the curb thing! 🙁 I guess 'cuz there's no curbs…just alot of gravel roads…
Thanks for hosting! Enjoy your weekend!
Wow, what a find!!! Congrats!!!
Farah Muzaffar
Hello Becca. what a great find . and really free????????? congrats
I am participating in your party thanks for hosting, hope you like to pay a visit
This is awesome! laura
Moms of all Trades
I have a Mazda and I still would have attempted to take it! Super awesome find! Thanks for hosting this
Carmie of the Single Nester
Holy Toledo! What an awesome find!!
Love your blog! from your newest follower!
Casey :)
What an amazing find! How cool!