American Girl Clothes at the Astoria Market

Last week we were on vacation down in Oregon.  On Sunday, we decided to visit the Astoria Farmer’s Market.  It’s a really big market (as farmer’s markets go) and they had a terrific variety of booths.  Of course, there were fruit, veggie, and flower stands.  There were several bakery, soap, lotion, and jam booths.  My favorite booth was done by Pipsqueak Designs. Nadine Faith is the nice lady who hosted the booth and sat, hand quilting her doll quilts. I know many artists don’t like their booths or work photographed, so I asked first, and she happily let me take a few pictures.

Nadine had hundreds of outfits for 18 inch or American Girl dolls. There were jammies, dresses, farm girl outfits, Chinese New Year outfits, coats, and just about anything else you can imagine.

This classic little dress was my absolute favorite!

Look at all of the colors this dress comes in! I absolutely love the fabrics she chose.  Reproduction fabrics just make my heart melt.

I was thrilled when I ran across the Pipsqueaks Designs booth.  Although we didn’t buy anything, my daughter and I loved looking at all of the clothes.  My mom makes most of my daughter’s American Girl clothes and I’m always encouraging her to start sewing a stash of doll clothes and set up a booth at the local markets. Who knows, maybe she’ll be inspired after seeing the rainbow of colors from Nadine at Pipsqueak Designs.

Happy sewing!

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