The Class Quilt – A Little More Progress

Remember the class quilt I told you about?  I’m helping my daughter’s second grade class sew a quilt for the upcoming auction.  We’re using Moda’s Double Chocolat fabric.  I’m in love with the colors!  Apparently, the kids’ teacher feels the same way about the pretty fabric.  She told me that she’s been having nightmares about someone else finishing up the quilt and using horrid fabrics that don’t go with our pretty Double Chocolat.

The kids finished sewing their stars during our first sewing session.

This week we started work on the sashing, sewing all of the stars together.  I had help this week.  Yes, I called in the reinforcements.  Thanks for coming to help the kids sew, Jenny!  As the kids were sewing, we kept giggling to ourselves. (giggles with a slight bit of a panic) You see, when kids take over the sewing, perfection is not the name of the game.  There were blocks that finished up at a half of an inch larger than other blocks.  We did a lot of scooching as we tried to line the blocks up. In the end, they’ll never notice the small imperfections.  They’ll just have good memories of sewing their friendship quilt.

One more sewing day and I’ll be able to show you the finished quilt.  I can’t wait to take pictures of the kids cuddling in the finished quilt!

Happy quilting!

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